Life Is What U Make It
Welcome to Life is What U Make It – the groundbreaking educational board game created by 24-year-old, Osmond Gordon-Vernon.
This game has been over a decade in the making, and its journey began when Osmond joined The Agency at just 14-years-old. With unwavering enthusiasm and a powerful vision, he developed a board game that is transforming the way young people think about their choices and the consequences they may face. From its origins on Battersea’s Winstanley Estate as a tabletop board game to its current life-size version, Osmond’s game has been inspiring and educating young minds.
Osmond has been developing the game over the last 10 years with local young people in Wandsworth through workshops with a range of organisations including Future Skills PRU, Francis Barber PRU, Harris Academy Battersea, St Cecelia’s, Providence House and Caius House Youth Clubs.

About the Game
Life is What U Make It is an interactive board game that engages young people in issue-based dialogue. The game is designed to educate young people about the choices they make, with a focus on tackling challenging gang related issues in an accessible, engaging, and compelling way. It links with PSHE curriculum for Key stage 3 and has been designed for educational and youth club settings. The game lets individuals play out the consequences in a safe environment.
Osmond Gordon-Vernon created the game with Battersea Arts Centre, and it is based on his experiences of growing up on the Winstanley housing estate and Wandsworth area, where the game is set. Through- out the game you can gain karma, risk and knowledge tokens depending on your decisions. The game inspires dialogue amongst participants, as part of a facilitated session, exploring complex topics in no judgmental ways Participants will be asked to give some direct feedback to our facilitator as part of the session.
“I liked it because you can learn things like if you do something wrong, it might not affect you right there, but it can affect you in the long run”. Participant, age 13
“The game presents real life scenarios that young people will probably be privy to growing up in Battersea, so this game presents an opportunity for open and honest discussion and exposure to some of the dangers and pitfalls that they may encounter.” Youth Worker, Providence House

About the Agency
The Agency is an award-winning creative entrepreneurship programme empowering young people to be confident leaders and have ambition for their own futures.
The Agency has been a driving force in nurturing creativity, social innovation, and community empowerment across the UK. Osmond’s journey with The Agency led to the creation of Life is What U Make It. The programme has also been instrumental in shaping the way arts companies do business, diversifying boards, programming, and staffing. Working with young people 15-25, they are seen as the solution, supported to have agency and recognise their power to make change within their lives, within their community, and in their cities.
We are celebrating our 10th year of this National Programme, and you are invited to join us.
Get in touch
Life is What U Make It is a bookable resource for secondary schools, to support the Key Stage 3 PSHE curriculum and organisations who work with young people.
To get in touch email: lifeiswhatumakeit@bac.org.uk