Ticketing Terms & Conditions

1. Tickets

1.1 All tickets are sold subject to availability and to these Terms & Conditions. Please read carefully and, if you have questions or concerns, please contact BAC before you make a booking. Purchase of tickets will mean acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.

1.2 You must show a valid ticket to gain access to an event.

1.3 A ticket is only valid when purchased from Battersea Arts Centre or an agent authorised by Battersea Arts Centre. We are not responsible for any tickets that have been purchased through unauthorised methods.

1.4 Please check dates and times before completing your booking, as it isn’t always possible to change after purchase. Please check your E-tickets or email confirmation carefully and contact us immediately if there is a mistake.

1.5 We reserve the right to provide alternative seats to those on the ticket if the staging of an event reasonably requires, provided the alternative seats are of no less value to that stated on the ticket.

1.6 Please check our website for age guidance and access information before you purchase a ticket. If you would like to know more about the content of an event, please get in touch before booking by using the ‘Contact Us’ section of our website or by emailing boxoffice@bac.org.uk.

1.7 Tickets may be sold subject to certain restrictions, such as restricted view. Any such restriction shall be displayed on Battersea Arts Centre’s website or otherwise notified to you before or at the time you book. It is your responsibility to ensure that you read all relevant information displayed on the website.

1.8 You may not re-sell a ticket. Any tickets that have been re-sold will become void.

1.9 E-tickets cannot not be used more than once.


2. Price and payment

2.1 The price of the ticket shall be the price set at the time of your order. All advertised prices are inclusive of any applicable taxes and per ticket booking fee (where applicable) but exclusive of any transaction, collection or delivery fees. A £1 transaction fee will be charged per order.

2.2 No order will be accepted until payment has been made in full. A ticket order is only confirmed upon receipt of an email confirmation.

2.3 Theatre Tokens can be used to purchase tickets in person at the box office.

2.4 We reserve the right to cancel any booking which we reasonably suspect to have been made fraudulently.

2.5 All discounts and promotions are subject to availability and may be withdrawn without notice. Only one discount or promotion is valid for each booking, at the time of booking. If drinks are offered as part of a promotion, unless otherwise stated they will be for house spirits, beers or wines. These cannot be substituted and can only be supplied to individuals who can prove that they are over 18 years old. Full conditions will be published with any advertised discounts and promotions.


3. Refunds and exchanges

3.1 Tickets cannot be refunded after purchase unless the performance is cancelled or rescheduled.

3.2 You may exchange tickets for another performance of the same event if you tell us at least 48 hours before the performance. If you are unable to attend another performance the total cost of the tickets can be credited to your BAC customer account if you tell us at least 48 hours before the performance. You can redeem this when you log in to your account on our website and select the option to use credit.

3.3 All exchange requests must be sent via email to boxoffice@bac.org.uk and must originate from the email address on the purchaser’s account, or have the original purchaser copied into the request by including their email address in the cc field.

3.4 Any customer credit will be valid for 18 months after the issue date.

3.5 If the performance of an event has sold out and you no longer wish to use your tickets, Battersea Arts Centre will attempt to re-sell your tickets. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to re-sell your tickets. If your tickets are re-sold, the full cost of the tickets will be paid to you using the original payment method.

3.6 Where an event is cancelled or rescheduled you will first be offered the opportunity to exchange tickets for another performance of the event. If there are no alternative tickets or if you are not able to attend an alternative performance the full purchase cost of the tickets will be refunded via the original payment method.

3.7 Battersea Arts Centre does not generally have understudies for its productions and so it may be necessary to cancel a performance of an event at short notice due to cast indisposition.

3.8 These Terms & Conditions do not and shall not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.


4. Delivery and collection

4.1 Tickets will be sent as an electronic ticket (E-ticket). All E-tickets will be delivered to the email address provided when registering for your online booking account. E-tickets must be presented on an electronic device (please download in advance if you can, as mobile connectivity cannot be guaranteed at the venue).

4.2 We do not print or post any tickets as we are cutting down on single use items.


5. Memberships

5.1 You must be over 18 years old to purchase a membership at Battersea Arts Centre.

5.2 If you are a member, you will immediately be eligible for all benefits as advertised on our website. These benefits are subject to availability and may be varied without notice.

5.3 Members shall be issued with a membership card which will feature an expiry date. Membership cards will be issued at the box office or posted to members. Membership benefits can only be redeemed on presentation of a valid membership card at the venue or when logged into your account on our website.

5.4 Any benefits offered to a member are personal to the member and cannot be applied after a transaction has been made. We reserve the right to cancel any membership without compensation that has been used to transfer or re-sell associated benefits.

5.5 Full payment for a membership is required before a membership is valid.

5.6 Members will receive an email alerting them to the fact that their membership is due for renewal. If you choose automatic renewal by continuous card authority, you agree that on each anniversary of becoming a member, your membership will automatically renew for another 12 months until you cancel such continuous card authority.

5.7 If you have paid for your membership by Direct Debit in monthly instalments you have agreed to pay the full membership amount. If you cancel your Direct Debit within 12 months any membership benefits will no longer be valid on your account or in person in the venue.

5.8 We reserve the right to vary the cost, benefits, names and terms and conditions of our memberships at any time. These changes will only come into effect for new memberships or memberships renewed following the date of these changes.


6. Liability

6.1 Any personal arrangements (including travel, accommodation, pre or post show activities) which you make relating to your visit to BAC are at your own risk. Liability for the cancellation or rescheduling of an event, will be limited to the refund as detailed in Clause 3.6.

6.2 We will not be held responsible for any loss, theft or damage of your personal belongings, other than caused as a direct result of our negligence or other breach of statutory duty. Any property left with the venue shall be entirely at your own risk.


7. Cancelled and re-scheduled events

7.1 It is your responsibility to check whether an event has been cancelled or re-scheduled and the date and time of any re-scheduled event. Where an event is cancelled or re-scheduled, we will attempt to notify you using the details you provided at the time of ordering. We do not guarantee that you will be informed of a cancellation before the date of the event.

7.2 It is your responsibility to let know about any change to the contact address, telephone number or email address you provided at the time of booking.


8. Personal details and data protection

8.1 We will process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


9. Conditions of admissions

9.1 We reserve the right to:
(a) refuse ticket holders admission to the venue or to close the venue
(b) request that Ticket holders leave the Venue at any point and may take any appropriate action to enforce this right

9.2 No refunds will be given to ticket holders who are refused entry or ejected in accordance with Clause 9.1.

9.3 We shall only request that ticket holders leave the venue under the terms of Clause 9.1(b) on reasonable grounds, such as:
(a) a ticket holder has behaved in the venue in a manner which is likely to affect the enjoyment of other visitors
(b) a ticket holder uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace
(c) a ticket holder is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
(d) a ticket holder fails  to produce proof of identity or age when asked

9.4 You must comply with instructions and directions given by venue staff and stewards.

9.5 Any children under the age of 18 must be supervised at all times and such supervision shall be by not less than 1 adult per 10 children.


10. Restrictions and prohibitions

10.1 The use of equipment for recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data inside any Venue is strictly forbidden unless you are informed otherwise. Unauthorised recordings, tapes, films or similar items may be confiscated and destroyed. Any recording made of an Event in breach of these conditions shall belong to Battersea Arts Centre. We will not be liable for any loss, theft or damage to confiscated items.

10.2 By attending an event, ticket holders consent to filming and sound recording of themselves as members of the audience. Signs will be on display in the venue if filming is taking place. We may use such films and recordings (including any copies) without payment.

10.4 Mobile phones and messaging equipment must be switched off during the Event unless you are informed otherwise. Watches and any other portable electrical devices must be silenced (including vibration functions) before entering a performance space.

10.5 Alcohol may only be consumed in public bars, the performance spaces and other authorised areas.

10.6 Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the venue.

10.7 The following are not permitted within the venue:
(a) animals (except assistance dogs)
(b) laser pens
(c) Your own food and drink (unless permitted by the venue)
(d) bottles, cans or glass containers (unless permitted by the venue)
(e) any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon including sharp or pointed objects (e.g. knives)
(f) illegal substances

10.8 The venue reserves the right to confiscate any item which, in the reasonable opinion of the venue, may cause danger or disruption to other members of the audience or the event or is one of the items not permitted in the venue listed above.

10.9 It is forbidden to block gangways, access-ways, exits, entrances or staircases, to congregate in non-designated areas or to seek entry to seats or areas for which you do not hold a ticket.


11. Health and safety

11.1 Ticket holders must comply with all safety announcements and venue regulations whilst attending any events.

11.2 If you have any special requirements or concerns about any special effects which may be featured at the event, let us know when ordering your tickets. Special effects may include, without limitation, sound, gunshots, audio visual, pyrotechnic and smoke effects or lighting and strobe effects. Warnings about these effect will be displayed on the event page on our website and on signs displayed in the building.


12. Dispute resolution

12.1 In the event that any dispute arises out of these Terms & Conditions or you have any other complaint, you should send details of the dispute or complaint by email to boxoffice@bac.org.uk. Full details of the complaint, your preferred method of contact, any information regarding any previous attempt to resolve this matter, and the preferred solution should be included.

12.2 We will acknowledge any complaint as soon as possible, giving an indication of how long is needed to investigate the matter. We aim to provide this acknowledgement within a maximum of 5 working days. We may need to contact the person raising the complaint for further details or to investigate further.

12.3 At the end of our investigations, we will confirm the outcome of the complaint in writing. This will include further details of who to write to if the outcome is not considered to be satisfactory. If no response is received within 14 days of sending the confirmation, we will assume that the issue is resolved.



13. Force majeure – Battersea Arts Centre will not be liable to you for failure to perform any obligation under these Terms & Conditions to the extent that the failure is caused by Force Majeure.

14. Amendments and variations – We intend to rely on the written terms set out here in this document. You should read the terms and conditions carefully before entering into the contract to ensure that they contain everything that you consider has been agreed. If they do not then you should speak to our box office staff. After the contract has been made, these Terms & Conditions cannot be varied or amended in any respect unless both you and Battersea Arts Centre agree (and it is preferable that this is in writing).

15. Governing law and jurisdiction – These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

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