Support Us
Battersea Arts Centre has been a home for extraordinary artists, communities and young people for over 50 years. As a registered charity, we need to raise funds from individuals, corporate members, and trusts and foundations.
Without your support, this incredible work wouldn’t happen, so please join us in our anniversary year and help BAC thrive for the next 50 years.
Become a Member

Become a Good Friend

Join the Hive

Develop a bespoke partnership with BAC that speaks to your corporate philanthropy objectives or join us as a Local Corporate Member.

Trusts & Foundations
Through the incredible generosity of our funders, BAC can continue to create more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable futures for individuals and communities.

Leave a Legacy to BAC
Act today to make a difference tomorrow. Help sustain our vital work with artists, communities and young people for future generations by remembering us in your will.
Battersea Arts Centre paves the way for radical, artistic ideas to become reality, home to a programme of ground-breaking contemporary new work. As the world’s first Relaxed Venue, we champion inclusivity and accessibility, and aim to remove traditional barriers to attendance through our trailblazing Pay What You Can ticket scheme. We run a regular programme of innovative encounters to help transform the lives of young-people, kick-start creative careers, and help our community connect through making and sharing arts.
As a registered charity (282857), there are a numbers of ways you can support BAC and make a difference. We raise funds from and partner with a number of Trusts & Foundations who help make our work happen. To find out more please email Miran on miranh@bac.org.uk or call 020 7326 8255.
For bespoke corporate packages tailored to your needs (training staff, entertaining clients, space hire or fulfilling your ESG objectives) please email Meg on megk@bac.org.uk or call 020 7326 8205.
We would like to thank everyone who supports our work at every level including, but far from limited to, the following:
Apple | Andor Charitable Trust | Arts Council England | Battersea United Charities | Battersea Power Station Foundation | Bloomberg Philanthropies | Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | The Christina Smith Foundation | Cockayne – Grants for the Arts: a donor advised fund held at The London Community Foundation | The John S Cohen Foundation | Department for Culture, Media & Sport | The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust | Esmée Fairbairn Foundation | Foyle Foundation | Garfield Weston Foundation | The Garrick Charitable Trust | International Music & Art Foundation | The John Coates Charitable Trust | Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Foundation | The Leche Trust | The London Marathon Foundation | National Lottery Community Fund | National Lottery Heritage Fund | The Orange Tree Trust | Paul Hamlyn Foundation | The Portal Trust | PRS Foundation | Royal Victoria Hall Foundation | The Three Monkies Trust | Wandsworth Borough Council | Wandsworth Grant Fund | Wimbledon Foundation | Wolfson Foundation | Youth Music |
Charles Holloway OBE | Justin Shinebourne | Chris & Alison Cabot | Lulu & Ed Siskind | Scott & Laura Malkin | Craig Mawdsley
Hermione Stanford | Rafe Offer | Catherine Weston | Francesca Valli | Christopher Hall | Jonathan Wakeham | Rosalind Given-Wilson | Patrick Harrison | Charles Bland | Sally O’Neill | David Jubb | Eric Bensaude | Stuart Doole | Henrietta Marsh | Fiona Clements | Kate Olver & Jeremy Young | Ali Gannagé-Stewart
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