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View past events
11 - 22 Feb
Wet Mess
In TESTO, Wet Mess messifies transitions, testosterone and the edges of drag.

19 Feb
The Carnival of the Animals
Family Concert
Chromatica Orchestra
Spark imagination and ignite creativity in your little one this half-term at this creature feature family concert, brought to life with big-hearted fun.

4 - 8 Mar
Jennifer Jackson Company
Jennifer Jackson explosively combines theatre, dance, judo and pro-wrestling to transform the theatre into a battleground of joy and reclamation.

18 Mar - 5 Apr
Paradise Lost
(lies unopened beside me)
Lost Dog
10 years on from its first premiere, Lost Dog return to BAC with their iconic staging of Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost.

12 - 13 Apr
Patrick Blenkarn & Milton Lim
Step into the action - 'asses.masses' is a custom video game designed to be played from beginning to end by a live audience.

22 - 23 Apr
Burnt Toast
Susie Wang
From Norwegian experimental theatre-makers Susie Wang, Burnt Toast combines reality and surreal horror to create an experience that challenges the boundaries of human nature.

6 - 10 May
A live, suspenseful choreography delving into the depths of psychological horror.

3 - 7 Jun
Natural Behaviour
Thick & Tight
Outrageous, beautiful, hilarious and profound, 'Natural Behaviour' is a queer look at what it means to be natural or unnatural within ecology and society.