Mark Thomas: An Extra Plate
Time: 3:00pm & 8:00pm
Tickets: Pay What You Can (suggested price £20)
Running Time: 75 mins
Age Guidance: 12+
This event takes place in person in our Members Bar.
Mark Thomas is just about the last person you’d associate with “ho ho ho let’s throw a log on the fire and gather round for Christmas”
But… MARK LOVES CHRISTMAS! Christmas singles, films, carols, decorations, presents, food and, most of all, Christmas stories!
From this most unChristmassy storyteller comes Christmas tales from his life, time and family. The one where his dad was Father Christmas for the school fete, the Christmas spent alone, the dead neighbours, the broken hearts and the unexpected guests. Mark loves it all, but most of all he loves the stories of giving and sharing, celebrating and finding hope in the darkest time of year.
It’s time to tell of the ghost of radical Christmas past and present. It’s part comedy, part pathos and an all-out party with more cheer than a Laplander’s eggnog hot tub!
Part of our OverCome Season
We are a COVID secure venue and are following guidelines set out by the government to make your visit a safe and enjoyable one.
Mask wearing is required for all adult audience members whilst sat in performance spaces and when moving around our building (unless exempt).
Find out more about our covid-secure measures
We are offering a limited amount of socially distanced performances for most events.
Fewer tickets will be sold for these performances providing more space for audiences to be social distanced.
Socially distanced performances will be highlighted next to the dates when booking.
This event takes place in person in our Members Bar.
You will receive an email from us before your performance detailing important information about your visit. If you would like to read about our current Covid safety measures in place, you can find out more about what to expect here.
- This performance will contain some strong language.
All performances will be Relaxed.
Further Information

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Paradise Lost
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Patrick Blenkarn & Milton Lim
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Susie Wang
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